The launch was a success!

She’s in!

6:30 am the launch team assembled, Patrick with his red tugboat, with Duncan on the deck to handle lines.

The wind was around 8knots just off the starboard bow which was quite handy as it would push us toward the berth.

Brupeg was lowered down into the water and gently pulled forward by Salonika.

We had stern lines organized and tied off on Brupeg but led forward to the bow where we lowered them down to Tom (US NAVY CVN78 aviation maintainer) in the smallest boat of the fleet, to be towed around to the berth location.

Once we were clear of the piles in front of the slings, Patrick gave Salonika some juice and her 300hp Cummins 855 gave us a push sideways, upstream and the guys on the jetty started hauling.

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Within a few minutes of rope work, we had Brupeg in her new temporary home.

Time for a rest now. We have all crashed. Lots of activity, lots of visitors. Time to get some kip and start putting an edit together.

Our short-term plan is;

1. Main engine alignment and get her bedded down, coolant sorted.

2. Gearbox oil cooling sorted.

3. The small 5kw genset (we had to lift it from its mounts to fit the minion air tanks), needs to be bolted back down and an exhaust built. Electrically it’s wired to the boat thanks to the lovely Dee and Rebecca a few months back. Getting those two things running means we can power the boat and stay away from docks self sufficiently.

4. New bow roller to suit the larger anchor.

Those are the four things stopping us from being able to move the boat, so will be our main priority.

Sea trails will be shortly after those are complete.

The Brupeg Crew!

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